With LAST CALL almost here (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!) I wanted to celebrate by going all out for the Cocktail Series Finale!
Plus, I just love giving things away!
Things like…
Or signed copies of all of The Cocktail Series!
It’s easy to enter!
All you have to do is take one the below pics from The Cocktail Series and add your favorite quote. Share them (as many as you want) to Twitter (@alice_clayton), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAliceClayton), Instagram (authoraliceclayton) , etc. and make sure to TAG me so that I see it.
Example from LAST CALL to kick this off!
Pics to use!
The quotes can come from any of the Cocktail Books! WALLBANGER, RUSTY NAILED, SCREWDRIVERED, MAI TAI’D UP!
Deadline: December 31st!
This contest is the best!!! Thanks for the xhance!
Thank you for the chance xxx Alice is an awesome author
I love love love this series!!!!!!! Alice Clayton you are awesome!!
Merry Christmas
Is this contest open to Canadians? I L O V E this series, and can’t wait to read Last Call!
Thanks for this great chance.
Have these on my tbr list. World live to win them.
Dang phone. Would love to…..
Awesome giveaway! Soooo want a Kitchenaid too! I posted on Twitter my fav. quote.
Alice I absolutely love this series and that mixer. Thank you for the books and the opportunity. I cannot wait for Last Call to come out.
Looooove this series sooo much!
thabnks for a chance what a great giveaway! Happy Holidays
Don’t need the mixer; I’m in it for the love of the books! Thanks for the chance to update my reading list.
Thanks tweeted my pic from @mirandaelaine82
An amazing giveaway from an amazing Author!! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I absolutely adore your Cocktail series!
I want to win the Complete Cocktail series Signed Loved them and can’t wait for the next release
what a great giveaway! Great books!!!
I LOVE to win!!! Merry Christmas
I read Wallbanger sometime ago and bought the other books but I’m behind on my reading. I’m half way through Rusty Nailed. Will be reading the others is the next weeks!! Loooove them!!
I have read wallbanger and loved it but have not read not the others. I would love to win and read them.
Would love to win the series. They sound awesome
I was like one of the first people to post on Twitter, yet you never re-posted it, or even acknowledged it… 🙁